Сonsent to the processing of personal data
Filling out the form on the website budibasa.com (hereinafter referred to as the Site), I, as a user and a potential customer (hereinafter referred to as the User), give my consent to the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, depersonalization, blocking and destruction of personal data provided by me to the site administrator budibasa.com to the individual entrepreneur Iusupov Rafis Rinatovich, located at the address: 141407, Moscow region, Khimki, Babakina str. 5A, 510 office (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).
I have read and agree that:
I have read and agree that:
- The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- The processing of my personal data is carried out by the Operator both in electronic and documented form;
The list of personal data that is transmitted to the Operator for processing:
- last name,
- first name,
- email address,
- phone number,
- delivery address.
- The purpose of processing the User's personal data is to conclude and execute a Contract for the purchase and sale of goods.
- The Operator undertakes to use the User's personal data exclusively for the stated purposes in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
- In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 14 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006, the User has the right to receive information concerning the processing of his personal data.
- The procedure for revoking this consent is based on the personal application of the personal data subject.
- The term for granting this consent is 10 years.
- I have read the personal data processing policy.